About Me

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Welcome to my blog! I am blessed to be a first grade teacher at a wonderful school in Jacksonville Florida. I graduated from the University of North Florida in December of 2009 and I have been in the classroom since January 2010. I am a Pittsburgh girl at heart but I have loved spending the last 8 years of my life in Jacksonville! I enjoy spending my weekends at the beach with friends, or reading a good book at home. Last year I adopted a puppy from the Humane Society and I couldn't love her any more! She is a hound mix named Leigha. She loves to take naps while I pinterest and do school work :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Long Weekends

Are the best for Pinteresting :)

I hadn't had the time lately so it felt good to catch up!! Among Pinterest I spent the weekend cleaning, lesson planning and the hardest task of he weekend-- Taking care of a sick man!!

I found a ton of holiday ideas on Pinterest and I can't wait for secret Santa so I can put the pins to use!

I also found out I must get some dominos for class! I saw several math activities with dominos that I would like to do in class.

If you have a set of dominos you could donate to the class or even a set we could borrow we would be most grateful!

Heres one of the activities I want to do with them!

I hope everyone had a great long weekend and I am so thankful for all the veterans and military men and women who protect us every day! God Bless.