About Me

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Welcome to my blog! I am blessed to be a first grade teacher at a wonderful school in Jacksonville Florida. I graduated from the University of North Florida in December of 2009 and I have been in the classroom since January 2010. I am a Pittsburgh girl at heart but I have loved spending the last 8 years of my life in Jacksonville! I enjoy spending my weekends at the beach with friends, or reading a good book at home. Last year I adopted a puppy from the Humane Society and I couldn't love her any more! She is a hound mix named Leigha. She loves to take naps while I pinterest and do school work :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Give Away!

How is it that the days always seem to fly by when you're not working!? I had a great time being lazy this past week but I am excited for some hugs from my firsties tomorrow :)

Coming up this month we're talking comprehension strategies. Now that we're developing as readers, we are ready to slow down and think about our stories. We will do this with the help of the Reading Remote! Yes that's right, a remote! Each student will create one and use it during their reading time. I am so excited to teach students how to use their remotes to monitor their reading, clarify, make predictions, retell, infer, make connections and more! Here's a peek at the remote as it is now, I'm already thinking of changing around a few things!

I figured before we started talking about comprehension strategies I better make sure my parents know whats coming up! I made a Comprehension Strategy Guide that explains what each strategy is, and what it sounds like. I hope it's a useful tool for helping my students grow as readers! 

CLICK HERE to get your own copy of this handy guide!

Check back for Reading Remote updates!