About Me

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Welcome to my blog! I am blessed to be a first grade teacher at a wonderful school in Jacksonville Florida. I graduated from the University of North Florida in December of 2009 and I have been in the classroom since January 2010. I am a Pittsburgh girl at heart but I have loved spending the last 8 years of my life in Jacksonville! I enjoy spending my weekends at the beach with friends, or reading a good book at home. Last year I adopted a puppy from the Humane Society and I couldn't love her any more! She is a hound mix named Leigha. She loves to take naps while I pinterest and do school work :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cat in the Hat!

The Cat in the Hat came out of storage today :) The kids LOVED getting their pictures taken next to Cat!

We read the The Cat in the Hat and The Cat in the Hat Came Back and compared the two using our nifty hula hoop venn diagram.

Leap day was exhausting... glad it won't be back for four years! :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dr. Seuss

This week is one of my FAVORITES because we get to celebrate one of my favorite authors: Theodore Seuss Giesel, or Dr. Seuss!!

Friday is his actual birthday but we are getting ready by reading as many Dr. Seuss books as possible! Each morning students vote on which book they want to read using the cubes. Then we look at our graph and read the winning book!

Yesterday we had time to read two of the books and we added them to the book log to the right of the books. We're hoping we can fill up the log by Friday!

On Friday we will read my FAVORITE book The Lorax. Too bad we can't take a class field trip to see the Lorax movie that opens this weekend!

Check back later this week for more Seussy updates!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Today was one of the best days! I LOVE when the kids really get into our lessons and they certainly did today during Writer's Workshop.

We are getting ready to start Animal Reports next week, so to prepare we are doing personal reports. After watching a Barbara Walters interview with Obama, we learned about professionalism and how to conduct an interview. Then each student got to interview a friend today!

They looked like real professionals! It brought a smile to my face and to my heart! Can't wait to put the information in sentence form tomorrow :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Did you notice?

Your kids helped me update the blog today! I hope you enjoy this idea, I sure do! I hope that we can do this together as a class at least once a week because the kids really liked it, and they love getting their "names" (initials) next to their thoughts!

Nonfiction FUN

This week we started learning about NONFICTION BOOKS!

This is what the kids said about nonfiction:
* it's real -N.H.
* it will teach you something S.B.
* it gives us more information- I.R.
* it tells you about real things - A.A.
* it is real information - E.E.

We began making a features book where we spend a day talking about a feature, and we write about what that feature is, and how it helps us. Then we get to draw a picture of the feature. (L.W)

Today we learned about photographs and we made our photograph features page. Check out I.R's wonderful work!

Check back daily for more updates from Miss Bowes and her Smarties (C.B came up with that nickname)

Get out and explore NF! (J.Z)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

100th Day Fun!!

Friday was the 100th day of school. The day started off with a few wonderful surprises. The Terry Parker Band and Cheerleaders took part in our pep rally!

Then one of our own classmates won the raffle for the bike for having "Perfect Perfect Attendance" :) Kierra looked great on her new bike.

I snapped a picture as Mrs. Gray read her name! Lots of smiles and hugs for her, we were so proud!!!

At the Pep Rally we turned in our 55 toothbrushes collected this week for Hubbard House. Together the first grade collected over 250 toothbrushes! The rest of the school collected lots of shampoo and toothpaste!!

Our class collected 110 items for the Souper Bowl of Caring, and the school collected around 2,600 items for the food drive! Thank you to all the families who donated cans and toothbrushes this week!

After the spelling test we had a 100th day themed snack. YUM!

Later that day, we had a lot of fun making Fruit Loop necklaces, rolling the dice to 100, recording our numbers, and building with 100 legos, cubes, and blocks.

It's been a great 100 days, looking forward to the next 80 being just as wonderful!