About Me

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Welcome to my blog! I am blessed to be a first grade teacher at a wonderful school in Jacksonville Florida. I graduated from the University of North Florida in December of 2009 and I have been in the classroom since January 2010. I am a Pittsburgh girl at heart but I have loved spending the last 8 years of my life in Jacksonville! I enjoy spending my weekends at the beach with friends, or reading a good book at home. Last year I adopted a puppy from the Humane Society and I couldn't love her any more! She is a hound mix named Leigha. She loves to take naps while I pinterest and do school work :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

December Rewind!

December was a short month but boy did we do a lot in first grade!

Functional Writing is the best because we get to make crafts, tasty snacks, have lots of fun, then write about it! We made PB&J and S'mores. They used play-doh to make creations, and then of course all the Holiday crafts. I was too busy with the glitter and hot glue to snap pictures of the crafts but I hope the families enjoy our hard work and craftsmanship :) I did manage to get some pics of the food we prepared (go figure)...

We made all this, and wrote about each one, all while meeting CCSS Writing Standard 7!

While working on RL.1.1-1.3 we did a retelling of Jan Brett's The Mitten. Students used picture cards to retell the characters, setting, the events and the details. They placed each picture into a mitten-- brown paper bag ;) as they retold the story verbally. The details and vocabulary they used as they retold at their seats was amazing. Definitely a proud teacher moment <3 My favorite part is when bear sneezes and they get to dump out their bag :)


If you're wondering about the paint strips on the corners of the desks those are for students to monitor their thinking, and show me their level of understanding on any topic at any time. For example while reading a book I may ask students to show me their understanding of the plot. The dark color shows that the information is confusing and the student is struggling. In the middle is a lighter color which means it's becoming clear but I still don't understand. The lightest of the colors signifies their understanding is clear. I use this during math, writing, or even when I give a set of directions. It shows me quickly who needs help, while teaching students to self monitor. This is a good way to introduce rubrics to youngens! I got this idea from Comprehension Connections :)

The best part of December was our Holiday party. It was so great that all the families sent in items for us to have a feast on! I (and every single child!) appreciate all the donations to our party! The very next day we watched Polar Express and I made CREAMY hot chocolate in my crockpot. None of that powder stuff either!! I used milk, chocolate chips, vanilla and some other secret ingredients to make the "best hot chocolate EVER" as quoted from several of my kiddies :)

And I'd have to say my favorite thing of December was the "snowball" fight. Mrs. Berg and I wrote sight words on marshmallows and had our classes duke it out in a friendly contest! They got to toss the marshmallows at each other for a few minutes, then they had to pick one up and read the word on the marshmallow! SOOOO FUN!!! I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as your enjoying your Holiday Break! :)

Maybe.....one day I will get better at updating more often :)